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Become A Member

Please use this form below to apply to become a member, if you are unable to use the online form, please click here for the PDF version.


Download and print it, or you can grab a form from the church itself.


Any questions or issues please call us at 02381 112639 or email us at

Apply To Become A Member

Communication Preferences (Please tick to opt in or out) – please note: we will not share your details with anyone else unless you have specifically given your permission for us to do so. If you do not agree, we will not be able to contact you about meetings, etc.

I consent for my contact details to be stored securely as per the data protection policies of Edmund Kell Unitarian Church. These details will be held on an online database, in church office files, and on church staff computers, so that staff and the executive committee can contact me about church business or events

Affirmation of membership (Please sign and date to affirm your membership)

Our Membership does not depend on your financial contribution to the work of the church (though of course, we are very grateful for any contributions or regular donations towards the church and getting speakers in, etc.).

Affirmation is about affirming your commitment to this community and to the Unitarian ethos.


Each member is a vital and valued part of this church and its work in the world.

Thanks for applying to become a member with us! We'll get back to you soon.

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